Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gram-negative bacteria (pseudomonas aeruginosa)...

Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) is called just that their identification gram staining test in which they retain crystal violet color (paint) in their cell wall. Gram-negative bacterial cell wall has a pink or red paint every chemical contrasting color is used. The structure of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria outer layer of Gram-negative bacterial cell wall is composed of lipopolysaccharides and proteins (core and O-polysaccharides and lipids) and includes a few thin layers of peptidoglycan compared with gram-positive bacteria (peptidoglycan forms the outer layer of gram-positive bacterial cell wall) and do not contain lipoproteins. The outer layer of strattera dosage the cell wall containing porynov (pores, as the structure for a particular type of molecule). When the outer layer of lipopolysaccharide are layers periplazmaticheskoho space (space between two layers of peptidoglycan and the inner cell membrane) and plasma membrane. Some gram-negative bacteria have flagella with four rings around them. Cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria and home component that helps in endotoksychnoho activity and is pyrogenic effects associated with Gram-negative infections. Gram-negative bacterial side wall as part of the called side chain composed of lipopolysaccharides (hexoses and is in different chemical composition as part of its structure). These side chains carry basis of somatic antigen. These side chains are crucial to classify gram-negative bacteria based on their chemical composition. Examples of gram-negative bacteria are many groups of gram-negative bacteria such as cyanobacteria, spirochetes, green sulfur and green sulfur bacteria and without proteobakteriya etc. Of these proteobakteriya is one of the major groups of known gram-negative bacteria (which include bacteria, as

E. Coli, Salmonella


Pseudomonas, Moraxella




Legionella, acetic acid bacteria, etc.). Along with the bacteria mentioned above, there are several other gram-negative bacteria such as Haemophilus influenzae

(also known as Bacillus influenza)

Neisseria meningitidis, Moraxella

catarrhal, gonococci

Acinetobacter baumanii (within the nosocomial Gram-negative bacterial groups). What are the causes of gram-negative bacterial infections Gram-negative bacterial infection leads to endotoxemia, in which endotoxin (toxic substance associated with the bacterial cell wall or nucleus) comes into contact with blood and gets mixed with blood. After endotoxin in the blood is mixed, it becomes very difficult to stop the toxic substance from the damage / destruction of healthy tissue and cause inflammation of tissues. The substance can get into any part of the body and begin to damage tissue. Gram-negative bacteria can be killed by drugs, but very difficult to clear endotoxin from the blood. Typically, millions of Gram-negative bacteria present in the intestines of animals and tiny levels of endotoxin associated with these bacteria and cleanse / detoxification in the liver, but as soon as the level of endotoxin increases, it can reach the bloodstream and spread to different parts of the body. After distributing endotoxin starts in the body, the body's immune system produces inflammatory substances in the body and causes the body to increase in temperature (slight fever). If the presence of endotoxin in the body below the normal level that our immune system can fight back, in this case, destruction and inflammation of the tissues in very small levels of infection only causes harm, but if the level of endotoxin above the norm, in such cases, infection can be life threatening in extreme cases (effect / intensity of infection depends on the amount of endotoxin in humans takes). Distribution of endotoxin in the host and inflammatory response from the immune system called endotoksychnyy shock. What are the symptoms of shock endotoksychnoho Because of the inflammatory substances released by immune system in response to endotoxin, the owner feels a slight fever at the beginning endotoksychnyy shock. The host may also face a lack of hunger. Mild mental and physical depression may be experienced. Due to the spread of toxic substances that are also experiencing an increase in heart rate and low pressure pulse. Problems such as cold feet, cold ears and dehydration is also seen in the host suffering from endotoksychnyy shock. The body temperature of the host shows a sharp increase or decrease at any time. Diarrhea is another symptom that is experienced. Available for treatment of gram-negative bacterial infections Gram-negative bacteria are protected from most antibiotics, detergents and chemicals on their outer cell wall. Many commonly used antibiotics against gram-negative bacteria are, fortunately, there are several antibiotics that work against them. To work properly antibiotics and stop Gram-negative bacteria from building resistance to those drugs, it is necessary that the patient must undergo a course of antibiotics prescribed. .

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